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Corn Nitrogen Calculator

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{{pdf_progress__current}}% Complete
Please Note: The accuracy of the recommendation you receive using this tool is dependent on the quality of the data you put in.
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Lockup
Corn Nitrogen Calculator
Please note: The accuracy of the recommendation you receive using this tool is dependent on the quality of the data you put in.
Report Generated: {{pdf_current_date}}
{{current.soil_layers_sampled}} Layers
{{current.calc_crop_n_requirement | int}}
{{current.calc_som_credit | int}}
{{current.calc_soil_nitrate_credit | int}}
{{current.calc_legume_nitrate_credit | int}}
{{current.calc_irrigation_nitrate_credit | int}}
{{current.calc_manure_nitrate_credit | int}}
{{current.calc_unadjusted_recommended_amount | int}}
${{current.calc_average_nitrogen_price | decimal2}}
{{current.calc_nitrogen_price_ratio | decimal1}} *
{{current.calc_application_recommended_amount | int}}
${{current.calc_application_total_cost | decimal1}}
${{current.calc_application_total_cost_with_fert | decimal1}}
TF: {{current.nitrogen_management_program.timing_factor}}
Debug: Field Information